When children first enter Nursery, their baseline entry is recorded within the first 4 weeks of starting school. In order to get a fair baseline, the teachers use Development Matters 2014 along with parental questionnaires, work produced and observations to get a holistic view of the child.
Each term, the children are assessed again against the Development Matters document to ensure that progress has been made and that they are achieving their Age Related Expectations (ARE).
When children enter Reception, the teachers complete a baseline assessment which is recorded within the first 4 weeks of the children starting school. Each term the children are then assessed again against the Development Matter’s document to ensure that progress has been made and that they are achieving ARE.
Please click here to access Development Matters.
At the end of their Reception year, the children are assessed using the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile 2017.
Please click here to access the EYFSP 2017.
As well as using Development Matters to assess the children each term, we have also devised our own Non-Negotiable that we use to assess the children each half term. This allows the focused teaching of literacy and mathematics to be tailored to each individual child.