Please find below, details of how our Governing body is structured.
School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure it delivers a good quality education. Together with the headteachers, who are responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school’s aims and policies. The governing body is responsible for the conduct of its school, and must promote high standards of educational achievement at the school. In order to do this, governors need to gain knowledge of how their school operates through training, by attending meetings, and by getting to know their school community, for example through a small number of visits to the school during the school day.
- Mrs C. Brown (Chair and Safeguarding Governor including Children in our Care)
- Mrs R. Lambton (Vice Chair and SEN Governor)
- Mrs S. Hill (Headteacher)
- Mr S. Burton (Parent Governor)
- Mr A. Conlin
- Mrs L. Gordon
- Miss S. Chatterton (Staff Governor)
Carole Brown – Chair of Governors
I am proud to serve as a longstanding Governor for Caedmon Primary. I was born and raised in Normanby and attended Eston Grammar School before graduating from Hull University with a BA Honours degree in History. I remained in Hull to complete my PGSE to qualify as a teacher before returning home to Teesside. I have mainly taught History, with a few extra subjects over the years, and acquired the skills to become a school leader in secondary education before retiring in 2014 after 40 years in the profession.
I became a governor of Caedmon Primary School in September 2016 with link governor responsibility for Teaching and Learning across the school. I recently added link responsibility for Pupil and Sports Premium and, after a period of time as Acting Chair of Governors, I have now been appointed Chair of Governors).
In my retirement, I have more time to spend with family and friends, to travel and to relax with a book. I enjoy all sports, watching as well as taking part, and have been a long-time supporter of Middlesbrough FC. I love spending time with my Grandaughter, and I hope I am encouraging her through our visits to love history as I do.